What began as automatic writing for the purposes of guidance just for myself morphed into something much bigger. In early February of 2020 I casually asked for messages about the world for the year in general. The message I received was profound. At the time I had no idea what it meant and I would never have guessed it had anything to do with the virus in China we had heard about. Astrologically, I had known there was some very intense and rare planetary aspects happening that would have an affect. In the weeks and months that followed I was stunned by how accurate this message was and I began to ask more questions.
Click on the other dates for some of the messages I have received from a collective of higher consciousness that I connect with.

Q: What messages do you have for me for 2020 Globally?
A: Wrecking Ball. It’s going to be like a wrecking ball hit the psyche of the greater world population. There will be no turning back, only going forward. This is an about face. Things are going ahead. It will be game on. Total distribution of wealth. There are names which once held dear will no longer serve as public figures in whom people trust. People will be dismantled. People’s psyche’s will be dismantled. Things that seem put together will come unglued. Fortification of people’s needs will be paramount and take precedence over anything else.
Q: What can you tell me about anything? A: Brace yourself, serve yourself, face yourself.
Face your fears.
Listen to your needs.
Easy does it.
Take care of things, take care of your needs.
To placate is to not address.
Take care of yourself, take care of your life, take care, eat well.