
Natal Chart Reading
1-1.5 hours
Overview of your Natal or Birth Chart. It's all about YOU! This is the chart that was created based on your birth. Understand your unique gifts, as well as any challenges and opportunities. Includes: Natal Reading, Channeled Messages, Recording, Natal Chart.
Solar Return Reading
1-1.5 hours
Every year on your birthday the sun returns to the same position, ushering in a brand new year for you. A Solar Return Reading looks at your personal year to see what themes may be presented from the current year's birthday to the next. This is a unique reading specific to you and your birth year.
This is recommended if you have already had a Natal Chart reading.
It's best to have this session close to your birthday to get the most benefit from it.
Includes: Solar Return Reading, Channeled Messages, Recording, Solar Return Chart .
Medical Astrology Reading
1-1.5 hours
If you have a health issue, concern or diagnosis this can often be seen in your astrology chart. A Medical Astrology Reading will examine in what context a health issue can be showing up as well as provide personalized recommendations for wellness and healing.
Includes: Medical Astrology Reading, Channeled Messages, Recording, Astrological Chart
Baby or Child Reading
Natal Chart reading for a Baby or Child.
New Baby Birth Chart Written Interpretation
Written interpretation of a baby's chart. Printed and shipped with a copy of the Birth Chart. Makes a great Baby Gift!
Life Events/Astro Weather Session/Other
$ Varies
This is a general session or reading if you want to get a check of the current transits in your chart or are want some clarity or clarification around life events, situations or relationships.
Three Questions Reading
$125 with 30 minute appointment
$75 e-mail only
If you are looking for specific guidance around certain topics in your life this can be very helpful. Written answers to three specific questions are received through spiritual channeling.
*Gift Certificates*
Available upon request for any amount or service.