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January 1, 2021

Q: What messages do you have for (me) for this new year?

A: The chaos and strife will remain to all who insist on that reality.  There will be continued consequences for those involved in illegal (broader than this term) dealings, that have not come to fruition as such yet. There is much to be unveiled/revealed in this the year called 2021. It is the same, you see the numbers as 2012 they are but reversed. This is not by mistake. There are counter measures in place for occurrences that did not take place beforehand.  There will be much revealed in the new hour of the year at this time. The cloak and dagger game plays on.  Heroes are thwarted and immense guardianship is at hand.


Please, we ask you at this time not to fight, for it is this energy which contributes to the collective strife and madness that purveys.   Sit tight, it’s going to be a bumpy ride (still and ongoing). There will be further attempts to throw you off course but do not be dissuaded or assuaged. They are merely attempts and cannot derail you unless you let them. 

Q: What about the continued COVID narrative?

A: The mandates that have been put in place cannot hold indefinitely, they will break open wide (like a dam) and come crumbling/crashing down. Then fate steps in to wash away this madness that has taken a hold of the greater populace at large.  For it is madness to continue on with such a network of hosts.  (I see water coming in, like a wave coming in and out and taking things down).


Q: When will the mask mandate requirement cease in Michigan

A: In 3 months hence.


Q: What is the energy of the March equinox, what is important about this?

A: This is a window, a portal if you will. This is all that is and will assist humanity in moving forward. 


Q: What other messages do you have?

A: Stay the course, stay in your own lane. It is but a short time more before all that has been hidden surfaces. What is beneath the ground must come up. The plants and plans that have taken root, will break through the surface and not all will be pretty. (Saw dirt and earth/ground moving, rumbling and up from the ground things come up).


Q:  What can you tell me about the new monoliths cropping up and disappearing? 

A: These are from beings of light that wish to show themselves and they are doing so in this way which is most benign and acceptable.

Q: What is the purpose?

A: To reveal that you are not alone, that there are species/others watching you and this is a helping hand as it were. 

Q: What are the monoliths made of

A: The material is not of this earth.

Q: What is the significance of their placement?
A: To activate/stimulate touch points in the grid.


Q: Am I right that they are revealed as they vibrate lower and disappear as they vibrate higher?

Yes! It is exactly as you say.  They may come in and out of “consciousness.” 

Q: Does this parallel how we will move to new earth and see the cities that are already in existence?
A: It is. You know this. Yes, it is as you say.  This is the beginning of showing/revealing all that can be achieved by your populace in the new earth and de-materialize a path and a pattern through which it is done.  It is one of many. They are benign tools of light.

Q: Is there anything else?
A:  Keep your eyes open and your ears at the ready. For you will see and hear things this year that will hold you in disbelief—both positive and negative, for it is the way.  Go forward into this great abyss. 

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