"There are thousands upon thousands of lighthouses—people and places that exist right at this very moment. They are beaming light out. Just as it is not as noticeable to see lights in the day time, you may not notice them until it gets darker."
Q: What can you tell me about the being that Louise Jones communicated with in her Christmas Eve messages? Link to video
A: This was an Angelic being of great light come to awaken the people with a message of a kind of warning that the world is about to change. The precipice of humanity lies in the balance of what is to unfold henceforth in the coming weeks and months for there is much turmoil that will ensue based on events that will unfold hereto forth within a fortnight. This has been foretold for millennia. This is the great chasm which humanity will find herself falling, falling and indeed she must let go and eventually she will find her footing again yet it will be on new ground never traversed before and it will feel different. It will not be the same. And the world henceforth shall not be the same. (I see people falling down between a split in the earth and eventually they land and it is new ground. It is unfamiliar. This has never been touched before by these).
It is as it has been spoken of and about down through time down through the centuries. This. Very. Moment. It is a massive awakening. This is the beginning of the mass awakening and we will move forward through the process. It will be much desired to move ahead for going backwards it will there will be an awareness that in going backwards will result in a repeat or a way of life that will only produce more of what is no longer wanted or desired-- chaos, disillusionment and heartache.
Q: What else can you say, what more can this angel say?
A: There will be a strike.
Q: What information can you tell me what messages do you have for me about the United States?
A: The United States of America is no more. This country sits embroiled in a battle that cannot be won because the sides fighting cannot win based on their reason for fighting. This is because those fighting are not fighting the real problem and therefore do not see or have access to the real solutions. There is no winning a war on terror for the terrorists are only front men to the war behind the curtain. There is no winning a war on viruses because the virus is not the enemy.
These battles are all contrived so that the populace may arm themselves against a perceived common enemy and utilize their own personal resources be that monetary, time or energy towards a goal that has been deliberately contrived so that it was story that people subscribe to and willingly relinquished said resources toward. This is but a slanted story and propaganda the likes of which gets told to the masses until it has run its course Then it is simply re-packaged in a seemingly new format that the people are willing to receive.
Each time the seemingly new story line is received with open arms and the populace willingly relinquishes their own precious resources to the cause. They do this unbeknownst to them partially through the that which may be labeled as taxes and other forms of payment.The people under this mismanagement of collective resources are unaware that they have once again handed over their personal and collective power to an entity which has not their best interest in mind but seeks only selfish gain and control. It is in this magnificent Mal-intent storytelling that the populace is lured into submission. There is a finite amount of certain resources on the planet and it is these which are most coveted.
It stands to reason that the people and the populace will no longer be satisfied with the games that have been played and they will seek to upend systems and protocol as it is gradually revealed the truth and unjust nature of these systems that are or have been put in place to “help them” as it were. There will be much civil unrest and turmoil as the shock waves of all that has occurred in the earth’s history are revealed.
Q: “Revelations?”
A: Yes, this is a "biblical" year. This time for this is now. Revelations: revealing what has been hidden. The meaning of this in the Bible— look them up, The book of Revelations. They (the Revelations) indicate prophecies of great magnitude that will come to pass and this is that tie. Now is the time. The book of Revelations has been opened but as always, things are not as they seem. Things perceived through the lens of the Holy Bible have been presented in such a way that they may not be recognized as concerning current times but rest assured all will come clear.
Q: What New Year’s Messages do you have to share?
A: Hold on tight to those you love for you will need each other now more than ever and in the coming months and years. Now is the time to make haste. Take care of all that you must for time will begin to fly as though a great beacon of light comes over the sky and wipes away all that we have come to know as truth. All will be revealed in time for in its' wake will illuminate all that has been hidden, all that lives in the darkest corners, in the furthest recesses of humanity. See this beacon as a lighthouse that you may look to in times of darkness for safety and hope.
Q: What is the lighthouse?
A: In each town, in each port, there is always a lighthouse. So shall it be in these times. The lighthouses may be a place or a person or an animal. It is something through which light shines through.
For each and every being that walks this earth plane, there is and always has been a lighthouse. A beacon of hope for those at sea that cannot see without it. It is during these times that all will come to see and come to be a lighthouse. There are thousands upon thousands of lighthouses—people and places that exist right at this very moment. They are beaming light out. Just as it is not as noticeable to see lights in the day time, you may not notice them until it gets darker. The lighthouses cannot be extinguished, for the light source is not external but internal and it brings forth an unstoppable force.